It’s that time of year again when we all start thinking about what we are going to get each other as a present for the big day however, this year its going to be harder for a lot of people due to the current financial crises hitting the UK. This will affect many #localbusinesses hard including us here at snakes alive.
So lets help each other out, rather than giving your hard earned money to a big organisation shop local and instead of buying material items which get used once then forgotten about buy an experience that will give lasting memories and fantastic knowledge for a life time.
We offer #experiencedayvouchers for our Interactive #ReptileExperiences; these experiences are fantastic for anyone young or old and with or without prior knowledge of reptiles. They are also good value for money our one hour experience is JUST £65 for 60 minutes this is for 4 people. 2 people participating, these two people will be the ones getting to handle the Lizards, snakes & mini beasts. The other two people will be able to watch takes photos and learn about the amazing animals.
We also provide a two hour experience which works along the same lines as the one hour experience but includes extra animals and the chance to feed a Snake and/or Lizard. This is JUST £99 and includes 4 people the same as the one hour.
So that’s an
1 hour Reptile Experience for 4 people for just £65
2 hour Reptile Experience for 4 people for just £99
(extra participants and non-participants can be added for an additional fee).
If you are looking at getting a Lizard or snake as a pet, we also offer Keeper workshops where you will get to learn everything you need the know about keeping a Lizard, snakes or mini-beast as a pet.
More information can be found at
#holdasnake #holdalizard #snakeexperience #lizardexperience #keepingreptilesaspets #keepingsnakesaspets #keepinglizardsaspets #holdareptile #holdaspider #snakesaliveuk
@snakesaliveuk #reptileexperience